3 Ultimate Time-Saving Tips for Your Next Move in the Philippines

Time management is always necessary whenever you do something important. Moving and shifting to a new place in the Philippines is a challenging and big task. You need to plan it adequately and think about how you can save time during the process. If you don’t focus on time management during your next move, chances are, you may lose your belongings or forget to complete important tasks such as changing your utility service address. In this article, you will learn about three ultimate time-saving tips when you’re moving to a new home in the Philippines.

Tip #1 – Make a moving plan
When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The same goes with moving. Make a plan and do things according to that only. If you will have a moving plan, you will save yourself from the mess and get things done on time. If you already decided where you want to live in the Philippines, the next steps are:

• Prepare a moving budget. This will help you track expenses and to know how much your move will end up costing.
• Prepare a list of items in your home and decide what you need to keep and what you can donate or throw away.
• Inform important service providers about your new address.
• Keep all documents and important valuables in a separate bag so you can carry them along with you.
• Start packing your home items at least six weeks before your moving day. Careful planning and packing will save you time and money.

Tip #2 – Get help from professionals
Hire the best movers in the Philippines to help you move your home. In the end, you will realise hiring movers was the best decision as it will save you time and stress. Start the process of hiring movers by asking a number of questions before you invite them into your house to do the estimate:

• What is the estimated cost to move a 2/3 BHK home?
• Are there any additional fees that you charge?
• Do you provide packing or storage services?
• So you offer insurance for my belongings?
• Can you provide referrals or recommendations?
• Do you charge extra for packing materials?

Tip #3 – Move less, stress less
Moving is a stressful endeavor. Taking each and everything that you use or may use is not a great idea. During relocation, you could use storage services in Manila or other cities in the Philippines to store your belongings for while. Pick the items that you really need and ask the movers to pack them for you. Other items that you use occasionally or seasonally can be stored in a storage unit in Manila. When you move fewer items, you have to stress less.

Time is an important factor in everything we do in our lives. If you’re a working professional, you may not have time to do packing, loading, unloading, and moving your belongings. If you follow the aforementioned tips, you can save a lot of time. Start planning your move 3-6 months before the moving day, hire professional movers in the Philippines, and utilise storage services for a successful relocation while saving plenty of time and money.

About the Author
Chloe Tay

Chloe works as a professor in Singapore for the last 5 years. In her 25 years of teaching career. She has moved 7 times and knows the ins and outs of moving. She shares her moving tips with people so that can make a successful move.

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