Reasons why you need to encourage your child to apply for scholarships in UAE schools?

As a parent, your first job is to make your child’s future secure. You may start saving accounts, take out a loan or work double shifts to gather money – all this to offer your child the best possible education. 

But, what if we say it is possible to obtain education for free (fully or partially)?

Yes, you read that right.

A scholarship is one of the great ways of acquiring the best education without remaining up at night worrying about the money for tuition fees. But, not many parents are aware of the available opportunities. 

All you need to do is speak with the institute your child is enrolled in. For instance, GIIS offers a handful of scholarships for international students, such as the GIIS Super Star Scholarship, 9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship, Global Citizen Scholarship and name a few. 

Well, now you may ask how these scholarships offered by UAE schools will benefit your child. 

Dive deeper to know your answer. 

1- Networking opportunities/monitoring: Your child winning a sum of money is a great start. But never walk away after just thanking the organization for it. It is important to stay connected with the benefactors who may want to help your child in the future, too. Scholarships from schools in UAE open the door to meet leaders in the field, obtain mentorship and make connections. 

 So, be sure to stay connected and ask them how they can help your child acquire a better future at reputed schools in Abu Dhabi city. 

2- Showcase your skills: Well, yes, some of the scholarships are dependent upon academic excellence. But, not all of them have the same criteria. 

If your child has received an award or certificate for an accomplishment, he/she can use the same to boost his/her resume or while applying for jobs. An award is a proof that your child has the required skills to outperform others. 

Similarly, winning a scholarship from UAE schools shows that your child is smarter.

3- Personal branding and promotions: Do you know a scholarship can work as your kid’s personal cheerleader? 

Well, when applying for a scholarship, the child requires drafting an essay for the application so the committee can select him/her. By applying for various scholarships at different schools in Abu Dhabi city, your child will become better at highlighting the best qualities and writing compelling information. This important skill can be used in the future when applying for jobs or during interviews. 

4- Sharpen the skills in drafting a good cover letter: By writing multiple scholarship letters throughout the years, your kid will know how to positively sell them. It is the same as writing a cover letter when applying for a job. 


And since a scholarship letter has a start, middle, and end, the kid will require researching before drafting anything. Plus, there needs to be a proper narrative. This process will enhance your child’s ability to research things and obtain perfection in drafting error-free content, thus, boosting his/her conversation skill, strengthening the persuasive power. 

Signing off

Regardless of how many benefits there are, if your child’s application gets approved at schools in AbuDhabi city, you can save a lot of money for the year (or based on the tenure). The saved money can be used for the betterment of your child’s future. 

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