Liver diseases: Signs & Symptoms that you Must not ignore

The liver is a vital organ that is located in the upper right portion of the abdomen in the human body. It is in charge of several essential responsibilities. It is the most significant gland in the human body and is responsible for maintaining proper functioning. The first function of the liver is the generation of bile juice, which is essential for proper digestion. Bile juice aids in the digestion and absorption of lipids, some vitamins, and cholesterol in the small intestine.

Additionally, bile is important for several essential activities. The liver also serves as a storehouse for vital minerals and vitamins. It also helps to digest protein by breaking it down. There are several additional vital activities of the liver that are similar to these. As a result, it is critical to maintaining the health of the liver. Patients with chronic liver disease can visit or book an appointment with the doctors associated with Paras hospital Gurgaon for early detection and possible treatment.


Habits that may be harmful to your liver –

Some everyday practices might be detrimental to the health of your liver. It would be best if you avoided behaviors that might harm your liver. Some of these habits that may harm your liver are as follows: –

  • Overindulgence in alcoholic beverages
  • Drinking insufficient amounts of water
  • Smoking can also be harmful to your liver’s health.
  • Sugar overindulgence is a condition in which a person consumes too much sugar.
  • Being overweight is a problem.
  • Insufficient physical activity
  • Constantly feeling anxious
  • Excessive use of pain relievers
  • Excessive intake of carbonated beverages

A patient who thinks that he might have liver disease or illness can visit Paras Hospital Gurgaon for regular check-ups or treatment. 


Symptoms and indications of liver disease –

These behaviors can lead to liver problems causing poor liver health that can lead to liver disease if neglected. The liver is linked to several serious illnesses. The decline of liver function can be prevented with early diagnosis. The following are the indications and symptoms of liver disease that may be used in order to prevent the condition from progressing

  • Yellow-colored skin and eyes.
  • Abdominal pain is present, as is abdominal edema.
  • Extreme tiredness is another sign of liver disease. Because a variety of factors can cause weariness, this sensation might easily go unrecognized. You may be exhausted all of the time and unable to do daily chores. Patients with liver disease have a constant sense of weakness.
  • Poor liver health can also cause a change in the color of the urine. Urine will become black in color.
  • A patient with liver disease experiences frequent vomiting. You may also get a persistent sense of nausea.
  • You will also lose your appetite, resulting in weakness and nutritional insufficiency.

When to visit a doctor or hospital if you have liver disease?

The beginning of the liver disease is gradual, and there are no distinctive symptoms that prompt the affected person to seek medical attention. A doctor should investigate fatigue, weakness, and weight loss that cannot be explained. The presence of jaundice or yellow skin is never normal and should be examined by a medical expert. Fever, vomiting, and stomach pain that persists should also be evaluated as soon as possible.

Overdosing on acetaminophen or Tylenol, whether accidental or deliberate, can result in severe liver failure. There is a need for immediate examination and treatment. Antidotes to protect the liver are available. However, they are only effective if administered within a few hours. Overdosing on acetaminophen can cause liver failure if not treated. Symptoms appear after there has been possible liver damage.

Credihealth may assist you in scheduling an early appointment directly with the physicians connected with Paras hospital Gurgaon. To book video and teleconsultation, a patient needs to enter personal information such as their name, gender, email address, and phone number. Additionally, on the portal, you can view general information such as the address, available bed capacity, OPD hours, and so on, as well as a list of available services such as ambulance, blood bank, pharmacy, and so on, as well as a list of associated doctors with their consultation fees, timings, ratings, teleconsultation, and appointment availability, among other things.

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